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Bob Tupper

Bob picked up the guitar at age 10.  By 11 He was playing for various church choirs. At the age of 14 he played the 1st school dance which was shut down early after performing “Joy to the world” by 3 dog night for being too provocative. Undeterred he continued performing with duets learning harmony and honing his skills. During his college years he joined with the great musicians that now make up Fiddy 8.  Bob went on to own and operate two recording studios, Original Support Services in a suburb of Washington DC and Inn House Studios located in the heart of San Diego Ca.   While playing guitar and vocals in the popular american band, California Republic, Bob participated in the production and recording of the compilation album titled “Musicians Who Care '' with several popular artists and shared the stage with Eddie Vedder just prior to him joining Pearl Jam.   California Republic went on to earn regular air time on 91x an alternative rock and roll radio station.  

While Bob has engaged in countless musical projects over the years, producing, engineering, writing and performing  he has always remained an active participant and music director for many local church choirs.

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